An ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate (KROO-she-ate) ligament (ACL) — one of the strong bands of tissue that help connect your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia). It runs from the back of the femur (thigh bone). If you have been injured while being active, our physical and occupational therapists who specialize in sports injury will guide you in your recovery and return you safely to the activities you love. Request Appointment Pay Online. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. Eureka, MO. Foley, MO. ACL tear in Hawk Point, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a personalized, evidence-based rehabilitation plan. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities you love. Request Appointment Pay Online. Ironton, MO. Physical Therapy;. Physical Therapy;. Leadwood, MO. O’Fallon, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. Get back to your normal, active life with a personalized, safe, and effective physical therapy treatment plan. Physical Therapy;. Robertsville, MO. Schedule an appointment online now. Patel today: (630) 929-2249. Oakville, MO. Although some exceptional athletes can return to sports in six months, a more realistic scenario after an ACL tear is a recovery time of at least eight to nine months. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, empirically-backed rehabilitation plan. Request Appointment Pay Online. ACL tear in Antonia, MO. Physical Therapy;. MCL injury in Crescent, MO. Knee injuries Town and Country, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Your knee may “give out” (collapse or buckle) and you may hear or feel a pop. Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a personalized, evidence-based rehabilitation plan. Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a personalized, empirically-backed treatment plan. Request Appointment Pay Online. Mon-Fri | 7 a. Services. ACL tear in Hematite, MO. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, evidence-based treatment plan. Request Appointment Pay Online. Concord, MO. ACL tear in Barretts, MO. ACL tears have a tremendous effect on your active and daily routine. In general, the procedure involves the following steps: Your surgeon will make two to three small cuts, about 1/4-inch-long, around your knee. Request Appointment Pay Online. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. You go from having a blast in a sport or playing with your kids, to suddenly wondering whether you’ll get to play or even go back to your job again. – 6 p. Request Appointment Pay Online. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Augusta, MO. Services. Whether participating in a sport or just going about your daily life, here are some tips to help prevent tendonitis in New Town, MO: Warm up and cool down; Use proper. Defiance, MO. Sprains and partial tears are more unusual and may go unrecognized. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy; Advanced Work Rehabilitation;. One second you’re running down the court, engaging in your favorite sport or having fun with your kids, and the next moment you’re don’t know if you’ll get to play or even go to work again. It is one of the most common sports injuries, with nearly 300,000 cases. Louis can ensure that you recover from your knee injury swiftly, safely, and completely. Physical Therapy;. 94 clinic locations offering non-surgical Regenexx solutions for musculoskeletal pain. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Florissant, MO. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy; Advanced Work Rehabilitation;. ACL tear in Ethlyn, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. New Town, MO. Don't let an MCL sprain or tear prevent you from being a part of the activities you love most. Get back to the activities you love with a. ACL tear in Manchester, MO. ACL tear in Robertsville, MO. ACL tears can unexpectedly obstruct your active and daily routine. Parkway, MO. Kirkwood, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. Services. ACL tear in New Melle, MO. ACL Tear Greater Villa Ridge, MO. 4131 Union Rd, St. Our proprietary, research-based methods and patented protocol allow our doctors to concentrate your cells and apply them precisely to. Affton, MO. Kneecap pain. ACL tear in Oakland, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Dellwood, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Services. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy;. 53 Fenton Plaza. Request Appointment Pay Online. This exercise extends the knee without bearing any weight. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. An ACL tear is used to describe any injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. 4131 Union Road, St. Olympian Village. This happens commonly during sports that involve sudden stops and. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities you love. Ozark View, MO. Services. Doe Run, MO. Get back to the activities you love with a personalized, empirically-backed rehabilitation plan. Services. ACL tear in Farmington, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Every year,. Ethlyn, MO. Services. ACL Tear Greater Crescent, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. Old Monroe, MO. ACL Tear Greater O’Fallon, MO. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities you love. ACL tear in Hazelwood, MO. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, evidence-based. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy;. Louis, MOACL tear in Holstein, MO. Services. Knee injury treatment by a physical therapist in St. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to return to the activities you love. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy;. Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a customized, evidence-based rehabilitation plan. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to get back to the activities you love. Get back to the activities you love with a personalized. New Town, MO. Mako SmartRobotics™ CORI Surgical System Treatment Options for ACL Tear Injuries The treatment you’ll require to repair your damaged ACL depends on your goals and how. Services. Champ, MO. Dr. Louis, MO 63129. Services. Most ACL tears are a result of a non-contact mechanism such as a sudden change in a direction causing the knee to rotate inward. knee instability. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities you love. Get back to the activities you love with a personalized, empirically-backed rehabilitation plan. Request Appointment Pay Online. Request Appointment Pay Online. Get back to the activities you love with a personalized, empirically-backed rehabilitation plan. Call us. ACL tear in Campbellton, MO. ACL tear in Doe Run, MO. Services. 53 Fenton Plaza, Fenton, MO 63026. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, evidence-based treatment plan. ACL tear in Bloomsdale, MO. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, empirically-backed treatment plan. Physical Therapy;. ACL tear in Meacham Park, MO. Get back to the activities you value with a customized, empirically-backed treatment plan. New Town, MO Hand therapy. Howell, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. Sherman, MO Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a personalized, empirically-backed treatment plan. Windsor Springs, MO. Oakville, MO. ACL tear in Festus, MO. Services. ACL tear in Dellwood, MO. (BVM) — An ACL tear is arguably the most devastating injury in sports, no matter what level athlete you are. Get back to the activities you value with a personalized, empirically-backed rehabilitation plan. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Get back to the activities you love with a personalized, evidence-based rehabilitation plan. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to return to the activities that matter most to you. Services. ACL tear in Owensville, MO. ACL injuries can range from a sprain of the ligament to a full rupture. An ACL tear is one of the most common knee injuries, with over 100,000 tears occurring annually in the US. ACL tear in St. Services. Services. Physical Therapy;. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Park Hills, MO. . Sports Injury New Town, MO. A feeling of instability or giving way when you put weight on it. 53 Fenton Plaza. 1348 Bass Pro Drive, St Charles, MO 63301, USAAn ACL tear is damage to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), located at the center of your knee. ACL tear in Leslie, MO. Services. – 6 p. Request Appointment Pay Online. ACL tear in Lemay, MO. Peters, MO 63376. Request Appointment Pay OnlineACL tear in Peerless Park, MO. Request Appointment Pay Online. You go from having a blast in a sport or playing with your kids, to suddenly wondering whether you’ll get to play or even go back to your job again. 53 Fenton Plaza. The ACL is one of four ligaments that connect the thighbone (femur) to the tibia (shin). He or she may also move your knee into a variety of positions to assess range of motion and overall function of the joint. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a full recovery and to get back to the activities you love. Call Axes Physical Therapy for a complete recovery and to get back to the activities that matter most to you. Services. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs outstretched. ACL tears can abruptly disrupt your active routine and daily life. Bridgeton, MO. Get back to the activities you value with a. ACL tear in Mehlville, MO. We utilize the most cutting-edge surgical equipment, techniques, diagnostics, and groundbreaking methods to provide our clients with the highest. ACL tear in Arcadia, MO. ACL tear in Green Park, MO. 1348 Bass Pro Drive, St Charles, MO 63301, USA. Request Appointment Pay Online New Melle, MO Get back to the activities that matter most to you with a personalized, empirically-backed treatment plan. New Town, MO. Knee Injury in New Town, MO. Severe pain and inability to continue activity. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy; Advanced Work Rehabilitation;. Desoto, MO. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy;. Physical Therapy; Hand Therapy; Advanced Work Rehabilitation;.